The pleasure of weight loss

If someone is overweight, when they lose fat they should (and typically do) feel significantly better even during the process. So where do all those negative effects (hunger, low energy, poor mood, etc.) we always hear about come from?

How to get a better night's sleep

The quality of your sleep affects your mental and physical health, your energy levels and productivity, your emotional balance and even your weight. The lockdown lifestyle continues as people stay at home a lot more than usual and might find it hard to sleep well through the night. Here are a few tips how to relax if you struggle to fall asleep.

Don't get SAD!

When the sunny days are over the reduced level of sunlight can seriously affect our internal clock and serotonin levels (the brain chemical that affects mood). Feeling low and unmotivated can be the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, the SAD. Read about the recognized treatments and activities that can help pull you from the depths of it.

Should you worry about your macros?

The three main macronutrients are protein, carbohydrate and fats. These all play a crucial role in a balanced diet. But what is a good balance? A high fat/low carb diet is a hit; if you want to build or maintain muscle mass you need lots of protein; if you eat carbs you’ll have lots of energy... We hear all this and it might be very confusing… what is high, what is low, what is a lot? What is the best macro split for your goals?

Understanding the benefits of supplements - Part 2

Supplements should always have specific roles. Last week we guided you through the benefits of food supplements, called Phase 1, covering one’s basic needs and being beneficial to almost everyone. This week’s article deals with Phase 2 - these are for a more specific audience: the gym-goers and active sports people. For those who wish to improve their general gym/sports performance.

Eat the frog first!

Having a to-do list and organizing your days into 1-2 hour blocks may help with spending your day efficiently because you will know what needs to be done by when. But there is one more thing to add: Do the thing you are least looking forward to first!

Step count matters

Step counting devices and apps give you a piece of data. You can use that information as motivation to do more. But rather than focusing on your steps, focus on overall activity and lifestyle. Counting your steps can be a useful tool but keep your step count in context.

Opening up to joy

We spend a disproportionate amount of time focusing on future acquisitions because we overestimate how happy those things we dream about will make us. An article by our guest fitness expert, Selver Ahmed, about being happy in the present.

Studying abroad

Going abroad to study or work makes you grow up faster and gets you stronger. Anjela Simsic, from last week’s Interview Of The Week, talks about her experience about being a student in the USA.