Photo by @azaelvisuals

Welcome to B.W.G!

Bell.Well.Globe is a quarantine-born online magazine paired with a YouTube channel, BWGByBellaTrost.

Fitness, wellness & nutrition.

BWG was created by Bella Trost, the world champion bikini model, pro athlete & fitness journalist.

Why do I love Plyometrics?

Why do I love Plyometrics?

When I don’t have much time to workout but I still want to do some exercise that gives me that pleasant “I’ve done something” feeling I do plyometric exercises. Jump training should take a short time (max. 20 min). It’s high intensity, makes you sweat fast and helps to burn lots of calories. If you are tired it is not the right option as you need full concentration and energy to execute the jumps and explosive movements but if you have a normal energy level it is a great option for a full body workout.

TikTok link attached to Jump Training Tutorial!

Plyometric training tones the entire body. It is the best way to strengthen the legs without equipment or machines. The workout involves jumps and explosive movements such as skipping, jump rope, hopping, lunges, jump squats, and if you have any sturdy, non-slip surfaces like boxes, a bench, steps or stairs that you can jump up to, box jumps.

If you want to work on your upper body more you can add explosive push ups, such as clap push ups, but these are advanced moves and when I do Plyometrics I personally prefer to focus on the compact and/or lower body exercises.
Plyometrics is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training – click here to read about it) so if you are new to training start slow and low. Mix a few easier plyometric moves, such as skipping or jump rope, into your regular workout. Gradually build up the intensity and volume to a higher difficulty level, higher intensity moves and more repetition. (Note: If you’re overweight you should avoid high-intensity, high-volume exercises).

Jump training is effective but there’s a risk of injury if you execute the exercises poorly. Learn to jump!

If you have never done jumping or explosive moves ask an experienced trainer how to do them safely or search online. YouTube is a great source but don't just check how to do box jumps, check out all the beginner jump move tutorials (or follow my TikTok where you can find jump training tutorials - click here) or it might also be helpful to check out beginner ballet jump tutorials. Ballet really teaches you the basics - how to take off from the ground and how to land.

Also, make sure to perform your plyometric work out on a shock-absorbing surface such as a grassy area, well-padded artificial turf or a wrestling mat.

Once you learn how to jump, do plyometrics 2-3 times a week and stick to 20-minute sessions. You WILL need a rest day or two after a jump workout. You can spend your recovery time stretching or with low impact exercises, or if you mostly worked on your lower body during your plyometrics session, you can spend your rest day exercising your upper body.

If you manage to build plyometrics into your workout routine your body might tone up and your muscle strength and cardiovascular health will increase. Your muscles will learn to work more quickly and efficiently and you might be able to jump higher, move faster and change directions quicker.

Notes: Never skip the warm up – do jogging or cycling and/or stretching before your workout + fuel your workout with the right diet. Consume enough protein to build those muscles and eat good carbs to help with recovery and ensure more energy for your training sessions.

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